Well, in Japan, there is an equivalent, called the Japanese Super Cup, or, under sponsorship, the Fuji Xerox Super Cup It pairs the JLeague Division 1 champions against the Emperor's Cup champions (unless the former wins both, atThis was the first Super Cup held after the recognition by the Guinness World Records as Fuji Xerox sponsored the competition for a world record of 27 years, the longest sponsorship of a football super cup This was Frontale's third Super Cup appearance overall, all in the previous four years;「fuji xerox super cup 」の開幕まで、あと2日となりました。 8日(土)1330からの日テレ系の生中継には、副音声でnews手越さんや両チームobから、出場チームや選手の素顔などを伝えていただ

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「fuji xerox super cup 11」に先立って行われた試合で、日本サッカー界期待の逸材が競演。巧みなテクニック、選抜チームとは思えぬ見事な連係プレーを随所に披露し、相手ゴールに迫った。 Kashima's Yasushi Endo scores on a free kick against Urawa in the first half on Saturday in the Fuji Xerox Super Cup at Yokohama's Nissan Stadium looked set to continue that trend in the 17🏆 FUJI XEROX SUPER CUP 17 🆚 # 鹿島アントラーズ vs # 浦和レッズ 🗓 2月18日(土)1335キックオフ

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Globalsportsarchivecom provides you with unrivaled spectrum of sport results, statistics and rankings from competitions all over the world Our live, indepth sport statistics from 17 sports supplies unique and original insights for sport fans, journalists, football managers and playersThe Japanese Super Cup (known as Fuji Xerox Super Cup for sponsorship reasons) was the 27th Japanese Super Cup since its reestablishment, and the 35th overall It was held on 8 February between the 19 J1 League champions Yokohama F Marinos and the 19 Emperor's Cup winners Vissel KobeIt took place at the Saitama Stadium 02, Saitama, SaitamaCampaign オフィシャルショップ限定キャンペーン fuji xerox super cup 17 official shop、mumoショップにて、「fuji xerox super cup 17 オフィシャルグッズ」を 一度のお会計5,000円以上で「オリジナルクリアファイル(a4)」を1枚 プレゼント!

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